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Sonya, our Sky of Blue superstar!

Sonya, our Sky of Blue superstar!
Sonya Fletcher, our super star! Sonya Fletcher has worked for Sky of Blue Cards for just over a year now – and it's high time I wrote about my amazing production design assistant. Sonya is my rockstar right-hand woman with a "no job is too small" attitude. She takes care of everything from re-designing our catalog, to packing customer orders, to working various fun events where our cards are sold. She is even going to train on our new Chandler & Price letterpress. She is so super speedy with everything; which means that I will barely have even asked her to do a particular task, when an email comes in from her saying it's completed. She fills our studio with so much laughter and good times, and life without her endless funny stories would be a bleak existence indeed. Sonya and I befriended each other years ago when our daughters were in Brownies together. We got to know each other even better when we found out our youngest children were also the same age and grade. She's such an awesome friend – caring, ultra cool, great mom, super organized, creative, and so kind. I admire her so much. How did she come to work for Sky of Blue, you ask? Well, eventually during all the chaperoning of field trips or working in art class together, I found out that she had studied graphic design and had some major talent. I asked her if she'd like to come work for Sky of Blue Cards and lucky for us she said yes. Things Sonya Loves: Hot Pilates, tea, cocktails with vodka, girls night out, twirling, The Voice, Zumba, her friends, and her beautiful family of course. Things Sonya Hates: Hot Pilates, allergies, attaching gemstone stickers to our "U-Mark-It" cards, laryngitis, and coffee (I am attempting to rectify this one). I love her to pieces. We are so happy to have Sonya on Team Blue! Here's to many more years together. XO, Karla