Sky of Blue Cards is bringing note card writing back one student at a time.

A few weeks ago I was invited to speak about Sky of Blue Cards to Mrs. Maggie Sanchez's 4th-5th grade Card-Making Advisory Group at Encinal Elementary School. Mrs. Sanchez taught both my kids back when they were in 4th grade, and she is also a dear friend of mine, so this was a special "speaking engagement" for me.
Mrs. Sanchez told me that this group had signed up for this weeks-long advisory with the task of making stationery for the students to use in the school-wide post office. I know from personal experience that the school post office is a big deal. A few years ago I volunteered to sort mail while my son was a letter carrier. Let me tell you, they move a lot of cute mail in that school every day!
I brought in my full line of cards to show the group. I didn't really know what to expect, but of course I have a soft spot for anyone who is helping to bring back the written word. What I found that afternoon was a super adorable group of students who were very inquisitive, and extremely interested in the process of designing cards, letterpress printing, selling my cards wholesale, selling on my website, paper, colors, Pantone's color of the year, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. The list of their inquiries was infinite and wonderful. I seriously was getting one amazing question fired at me after another. "How long does it take to design a card?", "How many cards do you have?", "How often do you design new ones?", "Where do you put all the cards?", "How many people work for you?", "Are you in Target?", "What stores are you in?". I answered each of them and told them that sometimes I wake up with an idea in my head for a new card and it's designed before I finish my first cup of coffee. Other times, it takes a bit longer, and then sometimes I even have to let an idea go because it just won't make a good card. I explained to them how important it is to write letters and send notes and thank you cards in the mail to friends and family, but I didn't have a chance to tell them how new studies show how good it is for the brain to write by hand! They were so smart that they probably already know that fact anyway.
In the end they all got one of our new cards, literally hot off the press and to my delight and surprise they crowded around me, card in hand, asking for my autograph. It was beyond fun. Here are some samples of their beautiful works.