Think pink, everyone.

[caption id="attachment_507" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Our new limited edition Breast Cancer Awareness Card.[/caption]
The skies are going pink here at Sky of Blue Cards.
During the month of October we will be turning our website, Facebook and Twitter pages pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month. You can too by going to the Pink For October and signing up.
We have also created a lovely, limited edition letterpress Breast Cancer Awareness card. Our new card will be sold on our website and in participating retail stores starting now and going through the month of October. A portion of all sales of this card will be donated to Breast Cancer research, education, and mammograms for low income, uninsured and working poor women. We cross all fingers and toes that you love it as much as we do and will buy it knowing that by doing so you will be contributing to a valuable cause.
A little bit about the process... each of my designs comes alive in its own way, taking its own time. Some mornings I wake up having already designed the card in my dreams the night before and by lunch it's on its way to the printer. Other cards take some finessing and some extra attention to get them just right. I know it's done when I have fallen in love with it and get that nervous-excited feeling in my tummy.
With this particular card, I knew I wanted to go with a powerful line of text. I switched it around several times. I fiddled with the exact wording, the kerning, the word spacing, and the font. Toward the end, my daughter Nathalie stood over my shoulder and gave me some good pointers as well (thanks baby). Then, when both of us took a moment and just looked at it and read it out loud (voices cracking, tears welling) we knew it was complete. The result was an emotional card. Simple. Elegant. Powerful. A card that we hope serves as a visual reminder to the sender and recipient to promote awareness for early detection, gather in support of those who are in the midst of their fight, and celebrate those who have been cured of Breast Cancer.
In the coming weeks we will be posting some facts about Breast Cancer, as well as some links for you to click to should you feel inspired to donate to, or know more about this vital cause. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our Breast Cancer Awareness card. It was made with love and we hope you send it with love to someone you love.