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Mimosa Sundays: Pomp & Circumstance

Mimosa Sundays: Pomp & Circumstance
confucious-blur It's that time of year again; we find ourselves humming Pomp & Circumstance before and well after all the graduation ceremonies occur from mid-May through mid-June. I love this time of year. Hope and good will so thick in the air, it's palpable. For years now I've had an ongoing internal debate as to which I love more – graduations or weddings? Everyone who knows me knows that I am huge sap and will cry bawl at either of these momentous occasions, but today I think I love graduations more. That's my mood. There's just something about waiting for the young adults to march toward their futures. Something about hearing Elgar's beautiful melody of Pomp & Circumstance, that makes you feel like anything is possible, not just for the graduates but even for yourself. Here is what one website says about it:
The reason for the popularity of the march has to do with Elgar's ability to invent melodies that convey a complex of emotions. The tune manages to sound triumphant, but with an underlying quality of nostalgia, making it perfectly suited to a commencement that marks the beginning of one stage of life, but the end of another.
Here's to all the 2015 graduates! May they go change the world with their magnificent brains and fresh ideas! [caption id="attachment_6005" align="aligncenter" width="510"]change-the-world "Change the World" by Sky of Blue Cards (this is my favorite from our new graduation cards!)[/caption] And, here are some of my favorite graduation cards: [caption id="attachment_5994" align="aligncenter" width="510"]1canoe2 "Globe Graduation" from 1canoe2[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6006" align="aligncenter" width="510"]Narwhal_PaperSource "Narwhal" from Paper Source[/caption] [caption id="attachment_5999" align="aligncenter" width="510"]Manifesto_PaperSource "This is Your Life Manifesto" from Paper Source[/caption] [caption id="attachment_5998" align="aligncenter" width="510"]crane "Just Rewards" by Crane[/caption] Have a great week! XO, Karla