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New site, new cards. Introducing the "ALL CAPS" Collection

New site, new cards. Introducing the "ALL CAPS" Collection
Today was a big day for Sky of Blue Cards! We launched our fabulous new website, so I thought for our very first "official" blog post, I'd share with you a collection of brand new cards that are part of our  Spring 2014 Lookbook. They are all available on our website and retail for $4.50 each. This new collection of six black and white letterpress cards are for everyday occasions – including birthday, thank you, congratulations, love, apology, and encouragement. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing our new ALL CAPS collection! XO, Karla Love_ALL_CAPS-Med CHeer_All_CAPS-Med Belief_ALL_CAPS-Med Birthday_ALL_CAPS-Med. Thanks_ALL_CAPS-MedApology_ALL_CAPS-Med