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Mimosa Sundays: Happy Father's Day

Mimosa Sundays: Happy Father's Day
ties-side_angle Happy Father's Day to all the awesome daddies out there! I am typing this quietly in my bed as my husband reads the Sunday Times and we wait for our children to wake up and begin his breakfast-in-bed extravaganza. There will be chocolate waffles involved. I hope all the dads out there get to have a super special day doing whatever they want! [caption id="attachment_6199" align="aligncenter" width="500"]IMG_3235 my adorable dad[/caption] When one says the word "dad" it conjures up similar feelings for most of us. What is that unique "dad thing" that we all love? I've been trying to write about it but it's hard to put in words. It's kind of undefinable. My husband is the kind of dad who throws the ball, shoots hoops, and painstakingly teaches our children music and tutors them in Algebra. By contrast, my adorable dad chuckled at my horrible math skills, but he taught me all sorts of things about life that shaped who I am today. He wasn't the athletic type so he never threw the baseball with us or shot hoops with us… he was more the gourmet cook/consummate entertainer/funny-man/world traveler/entrepreneur-type. My siblings and I grew up worshipping everything about him and in our own ways wanted to be like him. I know my children will grow up to be like their amazing dad. When I asked my kids what it is about Daddy that they love the most, they say things like "his funny jokes, even when they're not funny", "his kindness", "he's very understanding", "he makes really good food", "he's very good at math", "his musical taste", "his taste in movies". Yes. All true. Happy Father's Day to my amazing husband, Drew… and to all the fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and special father-figures out there who teach us everything from driving a stick-shift to the art of making the perfect omelette. Here's to all of you! Here are some of my favorite Father's Day Cards from some truly talented designers. Enjoy and thanks for reading! xo, Karla [caption id="attachment_5640" align="aligncenter" width="500"]toolbox-side_angle I designed this for my husband, my favorite from our latest Father's Day cards[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6197" align="aligncenter" width="500"]honizukle for my dad, from Honizukle Press[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6196" align="aligncenter" width="500"]HennelPaperCo for my amazing step-father-in-law Ed, from Hennel Paper Co.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6195" align="aligncenter" width="500"]greymoggiepress from Grey Moggie Press[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6201" align="aligncenter" width="500"]missive from Missive Press… so beautiful[/caption]