Our Graduation LetterBox - The perfect gift for the graduate in your life.


- Five of our whimsical letterpress cards (2 note cards, 2 thank you cards {girls get "Adorbs" and boys get "Dude Thanks"} & 1 "Yes! You Rocked It" card). To hold them all together, we have wrapped them in our signature blue satin ribbon and secured them with a mini chalkboard clip that says "You Did It!", along with a black graduation tassel with a lovely gold grad cap or "2016" trinket on it. So. Super. Cute.
- Five Graduation-themed U.S. postage stamps (our best-selling "Go Change the World" design!)
- A "Goal Getter" pen from Taylor Elliott Designs.
- A luxury travel candle by Aquiesse in "Lavender Chaparral" scent (VERY relaxing!!).
- A mini "Hello" maple block rubber stamp with a mini ink pad – they can use it to decorate their thank you notes and letters!
- Two "Hi-Caf" tea bags and 2 "Get Relaxed" tea bags from The Republic of Tea, because young people need extreme choices like that!
- Our "Go Change the World… with your magnificent brain and fresh ideas" graduation card with your gift message in it.